Over the many years of my ministry, I have been told many times by Pastors and lay persons, that I should write a book. I dismiss the thought for a long time. Then one day as I was mediating on his word and the church at large and what is being preach from the pulpit by many denominations, telling the audience how easy it is was to be saved which was the opposite to the word of God. The Lord gave me the title to explain to the best of my ability, THE WAY OF SALVATION! In this book there are many topics. Doctrines, traditions Old Testament customs, New Testament beliefs, how we are to conduct ourselves in the house of God, these days anything goes just to get the crowed.

As I was writing these topics, I was so overwhelmed with the anointing that was upon me, I felt at times that I was preaching from a pulpit to an audience. As you read this book, I trust that you feel the experience of how the word of God can change you from your traditions. I now dedicate this book to my mother, who while she was alive stood by me and encouraged me a lot in my ministry, and that gave me a lot of strength to continue.

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